
End of 2020 Reflection

Hi Guys! Ga kerasa ya udah di akhir tahun 2020. Corona emang bikin kita jadi ga bisa kemana-kemana, waktu ga kerasa, dsb. Tapi kalau kita mau memaknai semua itu, sebetulnya secara ga langsung Corona ngajarin kita buat jadi dewasa loh :)

Gue udah umur 23, tahun depan 24. Dann gue bener-bener ngerasa banyak banget perubahan dalam diri gue. Gue jadi sadar tentang inner peace, life goals, dan yang paling penting MULAI SERIUS AWARE DENGAN KESEHATAN. Parah sih. Padahal gue tahun 2017 sempet sakit aja gue masih bandel. Terus gara-gara pas quarantine gue jerawatan, endut ga jelas, gue jadiin itu momentum aja buat ngerawat diri dan yaa somehow berhasil. Mulai clean eating, ngurangin junk food, ngurangin dairy, ngurangin nasi even ganti ke shirataki. Yang masih susah gue rubah adalah begadang. Harusnya gue tiap hari tidur maksimal jam 10pm, tapi entah kenapa semenjak kuliah kalau tidur malem tuh kaya yang super produktif padahal mah engga juga. Kalau kita bisa manage waktu dengan baik ya kita ga perlu lah ampe begadang-begadang gitu. Terus hal kedua yang masih susah gue rubah adalah main HP, apalagi main HP sambil tidur-tiduran daan gelap-gelapan. Gue mau ngurangin habit ini pelan-pelan sih dan switching ke baca buku. Nih di rumah gue jadi banyak buku Pak Pambudi, goals gue ngabisin itu buku aja kali ya.

Oiya habit buruk gue kedua adalah kadang suka males dan ga tau mana prioritas. Kalau udah stress larinya jadi ke makanan. Padahal makanan ga nyelesain masalah juga. Kalau punya masalah ya hadapi jangan kabur apalagi cari pelarian ke apapun itu. Gaakan nyelesain masalah. Kalau nyokap gue sih nyaraninnya gue buat solat dan rajin meminta kepada Allah. Gue somehow pengen ngejalanin itu sih pengen bisa rutin tahajud gitu. Pengen nabung pahala sejak muda biar timbangan gue di akhirat banyakan pahala, karena gue ga tau dosa gue sebanyak apa. Apalagi dosa yang ga sadar/ga disengaja.

Gue tuh sekarang juga lagi pengen ngebetulin solat gue. Kaya kadang masih suka bolong-bolong ketiduran lah gara-gara ditunda-tunda atau bahkan kesiangan. Padahal kata akun dakwah, solat di awal waktu bikin bahagia. Gue awalnya ga percaya, pas gue jalanin, eh iya bener juga bwanggg. Sampe gue bingung, eh ini gue tuh udah solat? WKWKW saking kebiasaan solat di akhir waktu.

Terakhir gue pengen bersyukur dan maksimalin hal dan potensi yang ada. Gue percaya manusia diciptakan karena suatu hal. Di sini gue emang beruntung karena gua dapat kecerdasan yang tinggi dari Allah SWT. Orang lain mungkin kelebihannya materi, kalau gue otak sih. Dan gue merasa hal ini bisa jadi ibadah juga sih dengan gue ngebantu orang lain dll. Tentunya gue pun juga tetep harus balanca taking care of myself and family paralel sama orang lain.

Kalau jodoh, uang dll gimana? Gue merasa semua tuh bakal ngikutin kalau gue kerja keras dan stay positive. Awalnya gue kaya anxiety berlebihan lama-lama gue santai aja. Selama ini hidup gue juga ujungnya selalu baik-baik aja, meskipun awal dan ditengah harus jungkir balik dan nangis wwkwkwkw.

DANNNN gue merasa di tahun 2020 ini gue punya ketertarikan lain yaitu fashion dan ini sejalan dengan pekerjaan gue yang emang harus look decent WKKWW.

Akhir kata, gue mau bilang kalau gue selalu berdoa kepada Allah untuk memberikan kesehatan kepada gue selalu dan gue pengen meninggal nanti karena emang umur bukan karena penyakit.

Sekian dan terimakasih udah baca all!


How to Overcome Job Rejection (Indonesia)

Hello, Guys! Back with me, Azza. It's been a while since I posted my last writing here. Haha! Many things happened, and I need to make my priority. Sadly writing a blog wasn't my priority.

Ok, so today's topic is "How to Overcome Job Rejection". Why did I have to mention "Job Rejection"? It is because some of you might be misunderstanding this to those love confession rejection so I will make it clear. It is about Job Rejection guys!

Ok, I will be transparent for you. The list below is the name of companies who had been rejecting me at their job recruitment, internship, CSR scholarship, etc. I will mention it all for y'all! (Note: I'll update the list regularly)

1. Astra --> I failed at their 2nd step of Astra1st which is an online test. This is my first company rejection!
2. Nutrifood --> I didn't get a call from them to continue my internship selection phase. Haha. So bad!
3. Inkompass --> Failed on online test too. Lately, I feel grateful not to get selected because Inkompass is a cigarette company and it clearly contradicted with my major at Uni (I'm a public health student)
4. XL Axiata --> I applied for XL Future Leaders and I failed on the online test (again, and again~)
5. P&G --> Applied for the marketing internship. Again, my journey needs to stop after the online test phase. Haha. That's so bad! Actually, the test is like a personality test but I didn't pass it:(
6. Unilever SG --> Yes, your eyes is not wrong. It is Unilever Singapore. I pass the cv screening, but again, need to stop after the brain game test. Wtf
7. AMBIZ Indonesia --> Failed on the interview phase. I pass the cv screening and online test but didn't succeed at the interview.
8. Kraft Heinz (Management Trainee)
9. Danone (Management Trainee)
10. BCG Jakarta --> This is my latest rejection. Joined the recruitment event, passed the cv screening but didn't succeed at the online test. Do I feel sad? The answer is NO. I just feel a lil blue after my friends saying "I expected too much for this". Gee, hell no for me. Since the beginning, I was just curious about this company. I know the salary is very high for the fresh graduate but the workload is very big too. I said to my mom that maybe this is not the path for me. Maybe if I were selected, I can't live up my dream to be a Minister (I said to my mom that I'd like to be a Minister when actually I want to be a diplomat and ambassador. HAHA!). My mom answered, "Hell no. You can work there for up to 5 years and then you can continue your career as Minister". Gee Mom, NO. You don't know that I'd like to be an ambassador, that's why you say so. Nevermind, I'll keep my dream only for myself and my blog readers HAHA. Tho I dunno if there's anyone who ever read my blog LOL.

Kayyy back to the main topic. How to overcome Job Rejection. The first thing to do is you need to accept the rejection. Accept that you were being rejected by those companies and admit that maybe you still lack something that the companies' seeking for. Second, be grateful. Be grateful that you already arrived until this point. You passed the cv screening, you got the online test invitation, you got the interview invitation, etc. All that step that ever come to you, you need to be grateful of.
Third, forget it, let it go, and just continue your life. I believe God will give the best for us. I believe God knows what's inside our heart. God knows what your real dreams are and He will lead you to that place. For me, I'd like to be a diplomat or policymaker. I already know that I need to pursue my career in a governmental office, embassy, or the international field. Why? Because it can bring me faster to my main goal as a diplomat. Realize it or not, working at the private companies only keep me away from my dream. I never told this to anyone. Not until I already become a diplomat.

So yeah that's all the tips from me. Actually, I'm still learning too and I'm working hard to live up my dreams so I hope these tips will work for you Guys. I'll be very happy if the tips' working for ya. Comment down below if you have any question about this topic. See ya on the next post! xoxo


Random Song #1

Night ride will always be my dream. Though I feel it in almost everyday, but the feeling must be different when you do the night ride in a car with someone you love. I've always been dreaming about it since a long timeee ago. Maybe since I was still in Junior High School? But again the dream hasn't come true. Saaddd.

Then, instead of being trapped in a same mistake, same sad situation, and same dream that you can't achieve (haha it's actually mine but I use 'you' as an object lol pathetic me) I will give you a song recommendation. I randomly found this song in my youtube recommendation playlist. LOL thankyou so much Youtube! Actually Youtube is the one who recommends this to me HAHA. So without adding tooo much prologue, I'm going to tell you the title of the song, it is "San Fransisco Street" by Sun Rai.

Nah this below might be represents the feeling of listening to the song. Sun Rai himself also describing the song buy giving the video of a third person riding a car in highway street.

San Fransisco Street - Sun Rai